The exposed lesson of Steve job’s
What is the most valuable lesson that Steve Jobs got in his life when he was working at Apple?
According to him, it is taking a longer-term view
of people. By that, he means that when he sees something wrong, something inaccurate, his first reaction is not to fix it but to let it happen and look
outside and try to get some understanding of its effects on the business in the
long run. He believes that if he corrects a mistake as soon as he sees it, he will be able to come up with a successful answer in the short term, but in
the long run, the imagination of the employees will be weakened, which will
have a negative effect on the business. He further says that Apple's goal is
not to produce the best innovations for the next year but to bequeath great innovations
for the next few decades.
He says that one of the most valuable lessons in his life is being able to find his passion in life at an early age. Starting Apple with a friend at the age of 20, he was able to turn Apple into a $2 billion company with 4,000 employees by the time he was 30. Also, when he turned 30, the board of directors arranged to fire him from his own company. At that time, In that time he was suffering from a significant mental breakdown and decided to give up everything. But after thinking for a long time, he realized one thing and that is that he loved what he did. The result is that he returns to doing what he loved. He started two more companies and get back into Apple. The most valuable example we can get is that no matter what obstacles we face in life, we should stand up again and be courageous and determined to do what we want. He says getting fired from Apple was one of the most valuable things he ever got in his life.
Our lives have been governed by various limitations since we
were born. First 18 20 years of life study well go to school then go for higher
education after that apply for a job in a company are things that our
environment inculcates in our heads from childhood. Apart from that, our
society has put it in our heads that it is very wise to collect some money
after some time and put down all the funds to buy a car or a house.
But what you should think about is what kind of success and mental freedom you
will get by doing these things. Most of the time all you will inherit is a pile
of liabilities and a pile of bank loans. Most people have to work a job they
don't like for the rest of their lives to pay off that debt. At the end of the
day, all they do is shape their lives according to the limitations of the
people in society. It is not a successful method. When it comes to life advice,
only seek advice from people who have already achieved the dreams you want to
achieve in life. For example, starting a business, creating an investment portfolio
at a young age, and creating several successful passive income streams are more valuable than a vehicle or a house. Doing these things that society doesn't tell you will benefit you and your loved ones more than doing what tells you to do. This is the message steve jobs has given to the world in his
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